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Medicine label

for elderly

Elderly are facing lots of problems, especially on health care sector in recent years. Elderly are finding difficulties in reading the label or even the medication process. The content of label highly influences to their medication performance, which links to safety issues.

To improve their medication experience, we redesign the Hong Kong Hospital Authority medicine label design and suggested an experimental design in this design project.


Hong Kong elderly


Jennifer Tai

Kaman Kan

Nicole Pang

Lara Law





Information design

Experience design

Experimental design

User Test

User tests are conducted to gather insight from the user perspective and test the user experience of our label and experimental design. 

We had conducted a pre-test and 3 rounds user tests which interviewed total 14 users: 8 females and 6 males, included 8 interviews and 6 home visits. The users are aged from 66-89 years old. In each user test, we invited users to share their medication experience and behaviour. Different tests, such as card sorting of medicine label information priority, typography, pictogram, colour on medicine label design application and experimental prototypes are conducted.

Medicine Label



The medication habits and problems that users reflected during the user tests inspired us to bring a new medication experience that enhance the self-medication of elderly. 

The Medicine care assistant included medication reminder function, which designed with the new medicine bag design and label system.The aim of this experimental design is to create a secure, convenience, intimate self medication experience for the elderly.

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